Course Summary

Do you struggle from what I call not enoughness?  

If so - welcome to my inner world!  I have suffered greatly throughout my life from feeling like I would never measure up.  In fact, I felt my low self-esteem and lack of worthiness so deeply, that I convinced myself along the way that I would PROVE my worth to anyone and everyone. did I do that?
          ~Wrecking myself trying to prove my worth to others

And in the process of trying to be everything and do everything for others so I could receive the validation I was so desperately seeking - some acknowledgement from the external world that I was, in fact, enough, I rejected myself - I rejected my Soul Self, in the process.

Rejecting myself looked like putting everyone else and their needs above my own.  It looked like dealing with anxiety and depression for 28+ years.  It looked like using food to cope with the feelings that I couldn't bare to be with, which turned into binge eating disorder.  And it looked like presenting myself like a confident, self-sufficient, successful badass to hide how I really felt underneath the surface.

Welcome to one of the many faces of SHAME!  

From the outside looking in, no one would ever have known the true depths of my pain....because my shame was also my secret.  Shame likes to hide.  It's the great pretender.  Because if we were ever to see shame for what it really is, we would be forced to confront that it's one big effing lie!

I know the depths of my struggles with shame.  I never wanted to look at it, no less sit with the uncomfortable sensations is conjured up within my body.  And yet, not dealing with it - being in total resistance to it - kept me in a cycle of despair that left me questioning whether I could ever experience true and lasting happiness.

As I write this, I know my work with shame will be a lifelong process of levels and layers of learning, but I have found a pathway to help me see the lies it so desperately wants me to believe and it has made all the difference in my life.


If you are anything like me, without all the stories I was telling myself about how not enough I was in all facets of my life, the shame was way too uncomfortable to deal with.  While I didn't have conscious understanding of it at the time, it was clear to me that I was completely identified with my negative beliefs.  In other words, I believed all the negative narratives I was telling myself.

~ You're too fat...
~ You eat way too much food...people will think you're a pig...
~You need to work harder to compensate for where you lack intelligence...
~You'll never attract the kind of partner you want in your life so you might as well give up on that desire...

The thoughts were incessant.  My inner bully was beyond critical, but there was one thing that was true - no one could be meaner to me....than me!  And what a cover up that was for my feelings of shame.

I believed that punishing myself was my pathway to self-improvement.
I believed that what others thought or believed about me was critical to my success in the world.


But so many of us do this to ourselves.  So many of us compare ourselves to others and to society's standards of what is right wrong, effective or ineffective, or socially acceptable.  And we adhere for fear that we won't measure up if we don't.  We allow others' beliefs and opinions to drive how we feel about ourselves and our own worthiness.

Hence why I'm offering this guided breathwork journey.  It's true that your beliefs about your not enoughness or your perception of your own worthiness do need to be challenged, but facing feelings of shame can make you want to crawl out of your skin if you don't know how to be with them in a way that is loving, compassionate and supportive.

Over the course of our time together we will be leaning into the barriers that prevent you from facing your shame so you can see the lies, release the shame, and return to the truth of who you really are.

Here's what you can expect:

Each week we will meet for two hours.  That time will consist of:

1) Discussion on different types of shame such as (but not limited to):

         ~ Body shame
         ~ Role and Identity Shame (e.g. guilt vs. shame, shame around who you are and how you show up in the world)
          ~Behavior-inflicted Shame (i.e. the things we do or don't do that create shame-proneness)

2) Guided Breathwork Session
          ~ We will be using the breath to release and clear blockages.  Spirit will be helping us through the healing process and                               various healing modalities will be employed to support you along your respective journey.
          ~ You will also be learning how to bring in compassion and forgiveness processes into your healing practice.

All sessions will be interactive and participation from group members encouraged.  There may be reflection exercises in advance of each class to help prepare you for the session ahead.

This class is for you if...
  ~ You feel like love is conditional...

  ~ You can find compassion and forgiveness for others, but can't seem to find it for yourself...

  ~ Constantly struggle with feelings of "guilt" when you haven't even done anything wrong...

  ~ You constantly feel like you need to do more and be more in order to feel like you're enough...

  ~ You find yourself consumed by negative self-talk and punish yourself in the process...

  ~ You are a perfectionist, people-pleaser, over-performer or over-functioner...

  ~ You struggle with feelings of not being enough...

  ~ Nothing you do ever feels like it's "enough..."

If you can relate to any of this and your intuition feels like it's a fit, I hope you will consider joining me for what I hope will be an incredibly transformative experience!  Continue scrolling to register...

Course Pricing

7-9PM ET / 4-6PM PT

May 21, 2023
May 28, 2023
June 4, 2023

Lindsay Morlock